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0 Views · 2 years ago

The Lift eFoil is an electric hydrofoil board that literally lets you fly over water. Great for lakes, bays and rivers, it offers a silent and maintenance-free way to enjoy electric watersports. Check out our full article on and a big thank you to TechWeWant for inviting us out to ride the eFoil. Find them

0 Views · 2 years ago

In this video I am testing one of the best efoils on the market, the new Liftfoils E3 Pro 4.2 Electric Hydrofoil Lift 3.
LIFT3 is the 3rd generation eFoil from Lift Foils, original brand that created the first efoil on the market.
This is an ultimate In-depth review including all the features, pros and cons, the new lineup, new wings, new Folding Prop Tests and much more!
Fly over water! No wind? No waves? No problem. The new folding prop is a complete game changer that opens new possibilities of riding swells unpowered!

My pro setup:
Lift3 4.2 pro size, 32 inch long mast,
200 Surf V2 Wing, a new folding prop, 48 surf v2 stabilizer wing and a new high aspect ratio 200 wing as well!

The new 200 Surf V2 Wing is a “bread and butter” of efoiling... Foiling isn’t about going fast or slow; it’s about the balance under your feet and the glide. This wing is the true magic carpet that does it all while feeling amazing.

LIFT3 – what’s new?

The new 2021 Lift Foils eFoils allow all riders to experience the thrill of flying over the water, with best-in-class specs across all categories
The LIFT3 and LIFT3 Elite are the company’s newest personal water vehicles, available in four completely new board sizes, providing the world’s most sophisticated adventure, and using the finest materials and state-of-the-art technology. Fly over water!
The 2021 lineup offers a customizable experience with 9 advanced hydrofoil wing options to pair with the Lift boards
The new eFoils are the lightest, most durable, longest-lasting, fastest, and most customizable on the market, setting a new standard for personal water sports

The LIFT3 boards are made from a new proprietary carbon fiber blend engineered specifically for eFoil performance. They also feature enhanced carbon masts and upgraded carbon fiber electronic boxes. Lift Foils has always offered most durable eFoils, but the new carbon fiber build makes the LIFT3 even 50% stronger.

eFoil e3 – new board sizes

The LIFT3 boards come in four new sizes: 4’2 Pro (127 cm), 4’9 Sport (145 cm), 5’4 Cruiser (163 cm), 5’9 Explorer (175 cm). These boards feature an updated shape for increased aerodynamics and maneuverability. Combined with the upgraded construction, the new sizes reduce the weight by 30% making the LIFT3 boards the lightest eFoil options on the market.

LIFT3 – Dynamic wing options

Lift has also launched nine new wings as part of its 2021 lineup, including three of its acclaimed high aspect wings. Carefully crafted for effectiveness, stability, and performance, the wings attach to the eFoil mast. The shape of the wing changes the eFoil riding experience offering a true balance between efficiency and turning. All wings are interchangeable across the LIFT2 and LIFT3 and work for multiple foil disciplines, including surfing, eFoiling, or sailing, allowing Lift to provide the most customizable eFoil experience. The following table is missing the 9th wing, which is the 60 Surf V2 only designed for big wave surfing and not applicable for the eFoil.

Elite boards option:

Hand Controller (adjustable trigger, GPS, colored display, new app)
Carbon Fiber Prop & Shroud
Premium Bag with Wheels
These boards will also have an enhanced carbon fiber propeller and shroud, featuring a quick-release mechanism that allows for swapping various components in seconds with no hardware needed. The tailored cases that come with the eFoil e3 Elite are lightweight with high-performance removable wheels, all of which can be easily broken down for storage.

New Lift3 WINGS

100 Surf V2
150 Surf V2
200 Surf V2
250 Surf V2
300 Surf V2 (a.k.a. 300 Sea Pig)
200 High Aspect for float without too much drag
170 High Aspect
120 High Aspect

00:25 Lift3 Unboxing
01:19 My new Pro 4.2 setup
02:20 Lift3 Remote & New Elite remote
03:16 New Lift3 board lineup
04:20 Lift3 battery
05:00 Lets assemble Lift3
06:20 New Lift3 V2 wings
07:49 First tests in the water
10:30 Lift3 maintenance tips
11:30 Installing a new folding prop
12:30 First unpowered session riding waves
15:11 Power Flip the board trick
15:18 Extra things you need for efoiling
17:58 Final review pros & cons

0 Views · 2 years ago

We just received a brand new 4'2" LIFT3 efoil from LIFT FOILS and we are unboxing it on camera so you can see what to expect when ordering a new efoil! This is an exciting time, and your life is about to get a lot better but first, it's important to set up your efoil properly. We walk you through the simple steps to get ready for your first water experience.

0 Views · 2 years ago

Lift Foils founder Nick Leason breaks down our new LIFT3F eFoil in a full length video, showcasing the new lowest price addition to the Lift eFoil lineup.

0 Views · 2 years ago

In today's video I unbox my new Lift3 electric hydrofoil surfboard also known as an efoil.

Available Here -

I have been debating ordering an efoil for a couple years now and finally decided to pull the trigger. This Lift3 electric hydrofoil is the third generations of efoil made by Lift and is quite the machine!

Battery runtime is up to two hours for lighter/smaller riders and around 90 minutes for larger/heavier riders. It is powered by a large electric rechargeable battery that is rated for 300 cycles. Is has a Bluetooth enabled remote control which you use for the throttle as well as viewing the remaining battery life.

Max speed varies depending on several factors including rider weight, board size, hydrofoil wing size(s) wind and so on.

Well everyone, I hope you enjoyed today's video on unboxing my new Lift3 electric hydrofoil surfboard also known as an eFoil. There are many brands that make electric hydrofoils out there but I know Lift is one of the higher rated brands.

If you have any questions, please leave them in the comments section below (I respond to all comments) and feel free to give this video a thumbs up and subscribe for more future eFoil videos as well as my usual How To videos! :-)

#LifteFoil #eFoil #ElectricHydrofoil

0 Views · 2 years ago

The Lift3 efoil boards feature an updated shape for increased maneuverability and ease of use. Combined with the upgraded construction, the new sizes, reduced weight and increased strength make the Lift3 boards the lightest and strongest eFoil option on the market. In this video, we compare the brand new Lift3 to the previous Lift2 model.

If you want to experience an efoil wherever you are in the world, go to and find a Lift affiliate near you for an experience you won't forget.

0 Views · 2 years ago

If you'd like to support us, please use the "WAKETHIEF" coupon code when you purchase anything at the following retailer:

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We make a small commission whenever you use our coupon code and will send you a small gift. Thank you for your support of our channel and our mission.

I’ve clocked more than 250 hours on a hydrofoil, and all of it on our lake in upstate NY. I had yet to try an efoil. I was worried that if I tried an efoil I might never want to get back on my classic foil. We had to face this fear, so tried each of the leading efoil manufacturers. We wanted to share my first efoil experience and compare it to the sport we know and love.

Safety Warning: Efoils can be dangerous. Please be safe. We’d encourage you to thoroughly review the safety material before using an efoil, and if you don’t feel safe, please do not proceed. Please proceed at your own risk. Wake Thief, LLC.

Disclosure: Flite loaned us an efoil for nearly a month. Adirondack Efoils loaned us an efoil for one week. Both were kind enough to do this, so we could experience efoiling on our lake and create a video showcasing our experience. Wake Thief, LLC.

0 Views · 2 years ago

day one with the 2021 e3 efoil by lift foils. 4'2 pro on a 32 inch mast is next level fun

0 Views · 2 years ago

The feeling of flying is something you want to share with everyone. Now with the @Lift Foils you can do it year-round. In this video, I was riding a 5'0 sport e-foil with a 170 classic wing in the beautiful waters off the coast of Florida.

Order your wingsurfing gear, kiteboarding gear, foiling gear at and support us and the YouTube channel!

The perfect toy for the whole family.
@Lift Foils

Filmed with my GoPro Max.

The best board shorts.

Music: In-Flux.wav

0 Views · 2 years ago

▁ ▂ ▃ ▄ ▅ ▆ ▇ ▆ ▅ ▃ ▂ ▁ EYETECH ▁ ▂ ▃ ▄ ▅ ▆ ▇ ▆ ▅ ▃ ▂ ▁
The Lift eFoil allows riders of all levels to experience flight over almost any body of water at up to 25 mph, no waves or towing required. The eFoil uses a state of the art lithium ion battery, a hydrodynamic, torpedo designed, electric propulsion unit along with custom electronics. It also features a high performance carbon fiber board and hydrofoil to give users the ultimate smooth and responsive riding experience.

One Lift eFoil cost a $12,000. Jetfoiler'

▁ ▂ ▃ ▄ ▅ ▆ ▇ ▆ ▅ ▃ ▂ ▁
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0 Views · 1 year ago

Micode est venu nous expliquer ChatGPT, le nouvel assistant virtuel qui est capable de (presque) tout faire !

Chroniqueurs :
@Micode( @Underscore_)

Popcorn x RhinoShield, nouvelle collection de coques pour téléphone et AirPods disponibles ici :

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Date de l'émission : 13/12/2022 - Les Actus de PA 🌍

© PAB Prod

0 Views · 1 year ago

Learn how to use ChatGPT to 10x your productivity! 38 examples using Python, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, React, SQL and more!

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0:00:00 What is ChatGPT?
0:02:22 How ChatGPT Works
0:04:02 Getting Started with ChatGPT
0:05:00 General Examples
0:12:10 Python Examples
0:16:53 HTML & CSS Examples
0:19:19 JavaScript Examples
0:22:04 Node.js Examples
0:24:13 SQL Examples

#chatgpt #openai #programming

0 Views · 1 year ago

Merci à Lê de @Science4Allfrancais pour sa relecture et sa contribution ! Un point sur lequel il me suggère d'insister et pour lequel je n'ai pas eu le temps d'ajouter une note de bas de page : on peut imaginer que les prochaines générations de ChatBot ne chercheront plus seulement à prédire ce qu'un humain écrirait, mais de plus en plus à prédire ce que les correcteurs humains préfèrent (parmi les trucs qu'il prédit qu'un humain écrirait). C'est déjà assez nettement le cas avec GPT-3.5 qui est entraîné à éviter certains sujets comme on l'a vu dans la vidéo.
Et pour en savoir plus sur Tournesol :

Merci aussi à Raphaël Millière dont vous pouvez aller lire l'article ici :
On en avait discuté en visio il y a un moment, et j'ai renoncé à inclure des extraits de notre discussion dans la vidéo car cela aurait beaucoup compliqué le montage (et en plus on ne pouvait pas encore parler de ChatGPT vu que ce n'était pas encore sorti), mais en tout cas je le remercie d'avoir pris ce temps !

Merci aussi à toutes celles et ceux qui m'ont accompagné pendant les lives où je testais Cedille ou ChatGPT (certains des tests que je fais dans cette vidéo m'ont été directement inspiré par le chat de ces lives).

L'article que je mentionne sur GPT-3 jouant aux échecs :

David de @ScienceEtonnante me fait remarquer que tous les modèles de langage n'ont pas été entraînés à faire seulement de la prédiction de prochain mot (ou prochain *token* pour être exact, ce qui est un peu moins qu'un mot) ; par exemple certains comme BERT de Google sont aussi entraînés à compléter des "textes à trou" (des textes dont 15% des tokens sont cachés). Ceci dit, les modèles GPT sont bien entraînés à la prédiction de prochain token.

Enfin, je me fais à moi-même la remarque suivante : il y aurait sur les modèles de langage bien d'autres choses à dire qui touchent davantage à la philosophie, typiquement sur les questions éthiques, ou sur le rapport au langage et à l'intelligence. Mais le truc c'est que pour ne pas dire n'importe quoi quand on aborde ces sujets, c'est important déjà de bien comprendre de quoi on parle : que sont les modèles de langage et de quoi sont-ils vraiment capables ? Donc c'est surtout sur ce point que j'ai voulu insister dans cette vidéo parce qu'il me semble important de l'éclaircir pour éviter de tomber dans des fantasmes (typiquement des fantasmes sur la conscience des chatbots). Si ça vous intéresse que j'approfondisse le sujet maintenant que je l'ai débroussaillé, j'y reviendrai peut-être dans une autre vidéo ! Dites-moi en commentaire si ça vous dit !


0:00 - Intro - Qu'est-ce que ChatGPT ?
2:49 - À quoi les modèles de langage sont-ils entraînés ?
6:10 - Test : où l'on voit que ça ne RÉPOND pas, ça PRÉDIT
10:04 - Mais quand on parle de sujets sensibles...
11:42 - Lê sur l'"éducation" des modèles de langage
14:25 - Lê présente Tournesol
16:51 - ChatGPT : transformer un modèle de langage en chatbot
17:33 - Le problème de Blake Lemoine : un chatbot conscient ?
21:30 - ChatGPT prétend répondre correctement...
24:07 - Mais ChatGPT n'est pas du tout fiable.
27:05 - La machine à bullshit
30:13 - ChatGPT peut-il surpasser l'intelligence humaine ?
33:14 - Quand un modèle de langage joue aux échecs...
36:19 - Outro


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0 Views · 1 year ago

What is ChatGPT, and will it change everything? How Chat GPT is AI future... (and I think it's smarter than me). In this video I'll cover exactly how the chatbot created by OpenAI is changing all industries, not just that of development and programming, and how chat gpt will be even making google redundant. This video is also chatgpt explained in simple terms!

⭐ Try the OpenAI Template - Starter Kit I've made ⭐
This is new and ready for those looking to kickstart their own app or website using the OpenAI GPT models. I've built it on MERN it should save you over 100 hours if you want to build or test your own ideas! This also supports the channel if you have found these videos of benefit!

New - ChatGPT Starter Kit

Learn Design for Developers!
A book I've created to help you improve the look of your apps and websites.
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0 Views · 1 year ago

ChatGPT Nedir? Chat GPT ile yapay zeka devriminde zengin ol. Yapay zeka sayesinde para kazanmaktan tut, servet transferinde doğru yerde olabilirsin.
İyi seyirler!

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0 Views · 1 year ago

Hello! Je vous montre dans cette vidéo 5 façons très pratiques d'utiliser l'IA ChatGPT d'OpenAI. Comment comptez-vous l'utiliser ? Et si c'est déjà le cas n'hésitez pas à le dire dans les commentaires !

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Convergence 2045 (livre) :éativité-

00:00 Intro
01:00 1. Lui demander d'expliquer des concepts complexes ou des sujets
01:59 2. Lui demander de répondre à des emails
02:56 3. L'utiliser comme un rédacteur (un assistant IA copywriter)
03:50 4. Générer des textes pour le marketing
04:38 5. Demander d'écrire du code informatique

#chatgpt #intelligenceartificielle #tutoriel

0 Views · 1 year ago

How to Make Money Online With ChatGPT. Make Money With AI.
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Making money with AI is becoming increasingly important as the technology becomes more prevalent in the business world. One of the key skills that is necessary for success in this field is prompt engineering.

Prompt engineering refers to the process of designing and developing the prompts, or inputs, that are used to train and operate AI systems. This includes things like natural language prompts for conversational systems, visual prompts for image recognition systems, and so on. The quality of the prompts that are used has a direct impact on the performance of the AI system, and thus, the success of the project.

There are a number of reasons why prompt engineering is so important for making money with AI. One of the biggest is that it helps to ensure that the AI system is able to deliver accurate, consistent, and useful results. This is essential for building trust with customers and ensuring that they will be willing to use and pay for the service or product that the AI system provides.

Another important aspect of prompt engineering is that it can help to boost productivity. By designing prompts that are easy for humans to understand and interact with, AI systems can be made more user-friendly and efficient. This can help to reduce training and maintenance costs, which can have a big impact on the bottom line.

Finally, prompt engineering is also critical for creating AI systems that are aligned with the goals of the business. By carefully considering the intended use of the system, and the target audience, prompt engineers can help to ensure that the AI system will be able to deliver the desired results. This can be particularly important in industries such as healthcare, finance, and manufacturing, where accurate and reliable results are essential.

Overall, prompt engineering is a key skill that is essential for anyone looking to make money with AI. Whether you are working on a new startup, or looking to improve an existing business, the quality of the prompts that you use will have a big impact on the success of your project. To be truly successful in the AI space, it's critical to invest in the right talent and resources to ensure that your prompts are of the highest quality.

By investing in prompt engineering you will be helping to ensure that your AI project deliver accurate and consistent results, boost productivity and be aligned with your business goals. Which will in turn help you generate revenue and make money with AI.

How to make money with AI
Make money with ChatGPT
ChatGPT passive income
Earn money with AI
How to use ChatGPT
Prompt engineering strategy

0:00 Intro
0:20 AI is terrifying
0:35 I'm scared
1:30 This opportunity WONT last long
2:05 Number 1 Skill To Make Money With AI
2:55 What is Prompt Engineering
3:59 Personal email - Please don't read
5:21 How to Make Way More Money With AI
6:44 My favorite AI hack
7:51 How to I earn more money in 2023
9:00 FREE AI resources
10:50 Hey now, you're a rockstar
11:40 Try this with AI

Schedule one-on-one business consulting with me here:

*I am not a financial advisor. This is not financial advice. Some of the above links may be affiliate links*

0 Views · 1 year ago

L'entreprise OpenAI vient de rendre accessible ChatGPT, un robot capable de tenir une conversation soutenue bien souvent pointue et plausible. Mais attention, tout ce que dit ce logiciel n'est pas parole d'or.

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0 Views · 1 year ago

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Showing 26 out of 28